Friday, October 28, 2011

How to remove sunscreen stains from fabric upholstery

1. Gently scrape to remove excess lotion.
2. Moisten the spot with water and apply an enzyme pre-soak (follow directions on label).
3. Let the stain soak for 30 minutes.
4. Flush the area with water.
5. If possible, launder immediately. If not, allow the fabric to air dry.

Cleaning Services Business

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to remove eyeliner / eye pencil / eye shadow stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot away any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent such as Afta Cleaning Fluid.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad.
5. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
6. Flush with one of the dry-cleaning solvents and allow to dry.
7. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping, using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
8. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia. Launder as soon as possible.

Carpet Rug Cleaning

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to remove blush stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot up any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush the spot(s) with stain remover.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
5. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent and allow to dry. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
6. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia.
7. Launder as soon as possible.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to remove grease stains from fabric upholstery

To remove grease stains from fabric upholstery:

1. Scrape away dried grease with a dull plastic utensil. Blot fresh grease stains with paper towels to remove as much grease as possible.
2. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain to cover it completely.
3. Allow the baking soda to sit on the stain for at least 15 to 20 minutes to help absorb the grease.
4. Remove the baking soda with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.
5. Dampen a clean cloth with dry-cleaning solvent.
6. Sponge the solvent onto the stain with the cloth.
7. Blot the area with a clean dry cloth to remove the residual stain.
8. Inspect the area. If any stain remains that the solvent couldn't eliminate, mix 1 tbsp. of grease-cutting bleach-free dish soap into 2 cups of warm water with 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
9. Sponge the solution onto the stain with a sponge or clean cloth.
10. Blot the area with a clean damp cloth to remove the lingering stain.
11. Cover the area with baking soda to help absorb moisture from inside the sofa.
12. Vacuum the area with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner when the area is dry.

Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to remove tomato / barbeque / pasta sauce stains from your couch

Test the colour of the fabric in a hidden area with the spotting solution of choice to see if it’s colourfast.
Create a spotting solution with 1 part dishwashing liquid (such as Dawn), 3 parts distilled white vinegar, and 3 parts water.
1. For a small area apply the solution directly to the pasta stain. For a large area soak the entire cover in the solution.
2. Let the solution penetrate for 15-20 minutes.
3. Blot off with a wet white towel followed by a dry white towel.
4. When the stain starts to dissipate, reapply the solution.
5. Let the solution penetrate for a few more minutes.
6. Rinse with fresh water.
If you are not achieving the results desired, then use a stronger product. Enzyme stain removers can be found in most grocery stores.
1. Apply enzyme stain remover directly to the pasta stain.
2. Let it penetrate for 1-2 hours, re apply if it starts to dry out.
3. Rinse with fresh water.
4. You may need to soak the entire cover in the enzyme for large stains or to prevent colour loss from a specific area. Soak for several hours or overnight.

Residential Cleaning Services

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to remove grease stains from a leather couch

1. Blot any excess grease off the leather with a clean cloth.
2. Put talcum powder or corn flour on the grease stain.
3. Leave the leather to dry for 4 hours. Wipe the powder off, which will lift the grease stain.
4. Apply a conditioner to the finished leather. Restoration leather conditioner is a product you can use after cleaning the grease stain on leather. Use mink oil to preserve unfinished leather.

Domestic Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to clean drapes

1. Vacuum the drapes with a soft brush vacuum cleaner attachment. Sweep the drapes up and down. Be sure to get into the pleats, if applicable.

2. Remove the drapes from the rod. Remove any hooks or pins that may be securing the drapes into place.

3. Fill your bathtub with cool water. Add a capful of gentle laundry detergent such as Woolite.

4. Place the drapes into the bathtub. Gently swish the drapes around in the bathtub to wash them. Avoid rubbing the fabric too hard or rubbing the fabric against itself or you risk damaging it.

5. Squeeze out the excess water from the drapes. Wring out the drapes only lightly; squeezing too hard on the fabric may result in damage or the drapes becoming misshapen.

6. Hang the drapes to dry. It is best to hang them over the bathtub to dry as a lot of water will likely fall off. If the tag on the drapes indicates that they can be dried, place them in the dryer on the "low-heat" or "fluff" setting. If you have a clothesline, hang the drapes outside to dry, making sure they are not drying in direct sunlight.

7. Iron the drapes, if necessary. Washing drapes may cause them to become wrinkled and light ironing may be necessary, particularly if the drapes are pleated.

Drape Cleaners Melbourne

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to clean curtains

1. Take down your curtains and inspect the back side of the fabric for signs of sun-rotting by stretching and feeling. If the curtains are sun-rotted, there’s no point cleaning them, they need to be replaced.

2. Wash unlined curtains according to the instructions provided on the label.

3. Have lined curtains professionally dry-cleaned to prevent possibly ruining them.

4. Wash large curtains in your bathtub to prevent possible damage to your washing machine.

5. Boil rusty curtain rings in vinegar to rediscover their shine. Rub soap on old curtain rods to make them run smoothly again.

6. Toss your curtains into a dryer for a quick job. Add fabric softener to an air-dry setting and you've got fresh-smelling curtains in half an hour.

Curtain Cleaners Melbourne

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