Monday, November 7, 2011

How to remove pet vomit from upholstery

1. Scoop up any solid matter from the upholstery. Use an old spoon to carefully scoop the vomit from upholstery, taking care not to further spread the vomit. Spray on a small amount of water if the solid particles need to be loosened to remove.
2. Sprinkle a generous coating of baking soda onto the vomit stain. Allow the area to dry completely for a few hours.
3. Vacuum the baking soda from the upholstery. Use the soft brush hose attachment to vacuum up the baking soda. The baking soda will have absorbed a large amount of the vomit stain.
4. Sprinkle another coating of baking soda onto the affected area. This will help to absorb any remaining vomit from the upholstery. Let it dry for a few hours then vacuum up the baking soda.
5. Pour some club soda onto the vomit. It is important to thoroughly cover the stain without completely soaking the upholstery.
6. Blot the stained upholstery with a thick stack of paper towels. Continue blotting, switching to clean portions of the paper towels frequently, until no more vomit is lifting from the upholstery.
7. Rinse the area with a rag and plain water. Dry with a clean rag to soak up excess moisture.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to remove ice cream stains from fabric upholstery

1. Immediately scrape to remove any excess ice cream.
2. Sponge the area with a dry-cleaning solvent.
3. Apply dry spotter and cover with an absorbent pad moisted with dry spotter. Let it stand as long as any stain is being removed. Change the pad as it picks up the stain and keep the stain and pad moist with dry spotter.
4. Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents. If any stain remains, apply a few drops of liquid dishwashing or laundry detergent and a few drops of ammonia to the area.
5. Tamp (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) or scrape to loosen the stain. Keep the stain moist with detergent and ammonia solution. Blot occasionally with an absorbent pad.
6. Flush well with water to remove all ammonia and allow to dry.

Cleaning Services Home

Friday, October 28, 2011

How to remove sunscreen stains from fabric upholstery

1. Gently scrape to remove excess lotion.
2. Moisten the spot with water and apply an enzyme pre-soak (follow directions on label).
3. Let the stain soak for 30 minutes.
4. Flush the area with water.
5. If possible, launder immediately. If not, allow the fabric to air dry.

Cleaning Services Business

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to remove eyeliner / eye pencil / eye shadow stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot away any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent such as Afta Cleaning Fluid.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad.
5. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
6. Flush with one of the dry-cleaning solvents and allow to dry.
7. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping, using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
8. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia. Launder as soon as possible.

Carpet Rug Cleaning

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to remove blush stains from fabric upholstery

1. Brush or blot up any excess, taking care not to spread the stain.
2. Flush the spot(s) with stain remover.
3. Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with a cloth dampened with the dry spotter.
4. Check the stain often, tamping (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) before changing the pad. Continue alternate soaking and tamping until no more stain is lifted.
5. Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent and allow to dry. If any stain remains, try the same procedure of soaking and tamping using a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
6. When the stain is gone, be sure to flush the area with water to remove all traces of ammonia.
7. Launder as soon as possible.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to remove grease stains from fabric upholstery

To remove grease stains from fabric upholstery:

1. Scrape away dried grease with a dull plastic utensil. Blot fresh grease stains with paper towels to remove as much grease as possible.
2. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain to cover it completely.
3. Allow the baking soda to sit on the stain for at least 15 to 20 minutes to help absorb the grease.
4. Remove the baking soda with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.
5. Dampen a clean cloth with dry-cleaning solvent.
6. Sponge the solvent onto the stain with the cloth.
7. Blot the area with a clean dry cloth to remove the residual stain.
8. Inspect the area. If any stain remains that the solvent couldn't eliminate, mix 1 tbsp. of grease-cutting bleach-free dish soap into 2 cups of warm water with 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
9. Sponge the solution onto the stain with a sponge or clean cloth.
10. Blot the area with a clean damp cloth to remove the lingering stain.
11. Cover the area with baking soda to help absorb moisture from inside the sofa.
12. Vacuum the area with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner when the area is dry.

Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to remove tomato / barbeque / pasta sauce stains from your couch

Test the colour of the fabric in a hidden area with the spotting solution of choice to see if it’s colourfast.
Create a spotting solution with 1 part dishwashing liquid (such as Dawn), 3 parts distilled white vinegar, and 3 parts water.
1. For a small area apply the solution directly to the pasta stain. For a large area soak the entire cover in the solution.
2. Let the solution penetrate for 15-20 minutes.
3. Blot off with a wet white towel followed by a dry white towel.
4. When the stain starts to dissipate, reapply the solution.
5. Let the solution penetrate for a few more minutes.
6. Rinse with fresh water.
If you are not achieving the results desired, then use a stronger product. Enzyme stain removers can be found in most grocery stores.
1. Apply enzyme stain remover directly to the pasta stain.
2. Let it penetrate for 1-2 hours, re apply if it starts to dry out.
3. Rinse with fresh water.
4. You may need to soak the entire cover in the enzyme for large stains or to prevent colour loss from a specific area. Soak for several hours or overnight.

Residential Cleaning Services

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to remove grease stains from a leather couch

1. Blot any excess grease off the leather with a clean cloth.
2. Put talcum powder or corn flour on the grease stain.
3. Leave the leather to dry for 4 hours. Wipe the powder off, which will lift the grease stain.
4. Apply a conditioner to the finished leather. Restoration leather conditioner is a product you can use after cleaning the grease stain on leather. Use mink oil to preserve unfinished leather.

Domestic Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to clean drapes

1. Vacuum the drapes with a soft brush vacuum cleaner attachment. Sweep the drapes up and down. Be sure to get into the pleats, if applicable.

2. Remove the drapes from the rod. Remove any hooks or pins that may be securing the drapes into place.

3. Fill your bathtub with cool water. Add a capful of gentle laundry detergent such as Woolite.

4. Place the drapes into the bathtub. Gently swish the drapes around in the bathtub to wash them. Avoid rubbing the fabric too hard or rubbing the fabric against itself or you risk damaging it.

5. Squeeze out the excess water from the drapes. Wring out the drapes only lightly; squeezing too hard on the fabric may result in damage or the drapes becoming misshapen.

6. Hang the drapes to dry. It is best to hang them over the bathtub to dry as a lot of water will likely fall off. If the tag on the drapes indicates that they can be dried, place them in the dryer on the "low-heat" or "fluff" setting. If you have a clothesline, hang the drapes outside to dry, making sure they are not drying in direct sunlight.

7. Iron the drapes, if necessary. Washing drapes may cause them to become wrinkled and light ironing may be necessary, particularly if the drapes are pleated.

Drape Cleaners Melbourne

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to clean curtains

1. Take down your curtains and inspect the back side of the fabric for signs of sun-rotting by stretching and feeling. If the curtains are sun-rotted, there’s no point cleaning them, they need to be replaced.

2. Wash unlined curtains according to the instructions provided on the label.

3. Have lined curtains professionally dry-cleaned to prevent possibly ruining them.

4. Wash large curtains in your bathtub to prevent possible damage to your washing machine.

5. Boil rusty curtain rings in vinegar to rediscover their shine. Rub soap on old curtain rods to make them run smoothly again.

6. Toss your curtains into a dryer for a quick job. Add fabric softener to an air-dry setting and you've got fresh-smelling curtains in half an hour.

Curtain Cleaners Melbourne

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Clean Grout on Tile Walls

Clean the grout on tile walls with common household products.
Tiled walls can add a great deal to the appearance of the home, but cleaning grout between the tiles can easily become a maddening chore. Since grout is a porous material composed of cement and water, dirt and other grime can easily infiltrate and make cleaning difficult. Although it can be time-consuming, cleaning the grout on tile walls can be a bit more straightforward with a few common household items.

Things You'll Need

·         Clean cloth
·         Baking soda
·         Water
·         Hydrogen peroxide
·         White vinegar
·         Coarse sponge or nylon brush
·         Oxygen bleach


Preparing the Walls

1.       Apply the intended cleaning products to an inconspicuous area for the recommended period of time to test colourfastness. Because the cleansers used to clean the grout will inevitably come in contact with tile, this is a necessary step to prevent damaging tiles. If the colour or texture of the tiles is altered, do not use the product.
2.       Wipe over tiled walls with a clean, dry cloth to remove hair, oils, soap scum and other grime from the surface. This will allow cleaning products to more easily seep in to grout.
3.       Pour a generous amount of baking soda in a plastic mixing bowl. Using a fork or your hands, stir in just enough warm water to form a paste. Mix the ingredients in a bowl that will not be used for food preparation or storage.

Cleaning the Walls

1.       Apply the baking soda paste on the lines of the grout and allow it sit for approximately 10 minutes. If baking soda is not readily obtainable, spray concentrated hydrogen peroxide or distilled white vinegar on the grout and let stand for 10 minutes.
2.       Scour the grout lines with a coarse sponge or nylon brush.
3.       Rinse tile grout with clean, warm water to wash away grime and product residue.
4.       Apply the cleaning products as necessary if stains or a dirty appearance persist.

Tips & Warnings

®      Combine equal parts powder oxygen bleach and water if baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are not available. Stir the mixture until the bleach has completely dissolved and spray it on the wall. Saturate the grout lines and allow it to work for 30 minutes before scrubbing. Do not apply to coloured grout as it will remove the colour.
®      Use a grout sealer and follow application instructions on the packaging. Sealing grout annually will prevent grime from settling in and makes cleaning much quicker and easier.
®      Because it may be necessary to use a great deal of pressure, consider using a sponge to clean grout around ceramic tiles as they can be scratched easily.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Clean a Burnt Food in a Microwave

Things You'll Need

Food sometime gets burned in the microwave and can be difficult to clean. There are various products out there to clean the microwave, but all you really need are a few simple household supplies. Follow these steps to clean your burnt microwave--some are optional, depending on how bad the burning and smell are.

·         Small, lidless microwavable bowl
·         White vinegar
·         Water
·         Sponge
·         Fabric softener
·         Lemon juice
·         Dish soap
·         Kitchen cleaner
·         Paper towels


1.       Wipe out the microwave of any loose crumbs with a cloth or sponge.
2.       Fill a small, lidless microwavable bowl with white vinegar. Dilute it with water or just use pure vinegar if the microwave needs a major cleaning.
3.       Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for 5 minutes.
4.       Allow the heated vinegar to sit in the microwave for 20 minutes, which will allow the steam to reach all parts of the inside of the microwave's surface and loosen the particles adhering to the surface.
5.       Wipe off the residue inside with water and a sponge.
6.       Spray fabric softener onto the wet area and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. This will clean the last of the residue that is left after the vinegar cleaning.
7.       Wipe off the fabric softener with water and a sponge.
8.       Repeat the vinegar steaming if necessary.
9.       Heat a bowl of water with a few tablespoons of lemon juice inside the microwave, if the vinegar smell lingers for too long or is too strong.
10.   Wash the tray in the sink with dish soap, dry and replace in the microwave.
11.   Spray the outside of the microwave with a kitchen cleaner and wipe with paper towels.

Tips & Warnings

®      An alternative or addition to the vinegar method is baking soda and water with a sponge, which will raise the pH levels and create a basic solution that is a great cleaner.
®      Be careful when boiling water or other liquids in the microwave; sometimes they can become superheated and explode.

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to clean Food-Colouring Stains Off Tables

Brightly-coloured Easter eggs, pink-frosting roses on wedding cakes, and green-and-red Christmas cookies all share a common component: food colouring. These vivid dyes are easy to use in food decorating and crafts, but not easy to remove from countertops, fingers and clothing. Kids may not mind green-dyed fingers, but you have to work quickly to keep the dyes from ruining the kitchen table or a favourite shirt.

Things You'll Need

·         Paper towels
·         Old washcloths or hand towels
·         White vinegar
·         Baking soda
·         Ammonia (optional)
·         White toothpaste
·         Old toothbrush


1.   Wash all spilled food colouring from countertops as soon as it spills to avoid staining. If stains occur, scrub the area with a little vinegar or ammonia on a damp cloth.

2.   For heavier stains, treat the stain with a paste of baking soda and water. Gently scrub with an old toothbrush. The abrasive mix may remove the stain but should not damage countertops. Plain white toothpaste is another mild abrasive; squeeze a small dab onto the stain and scour it with an old toothbrush.

3.   Thoroughly rinse the countertops after treating the stains.

House Cleaners Melbourne

Friday, September 16, 2011

How to clean and prevent Soap Scum from forming on your bathtub

1.       Wipe down walls and bathtubs after bathing. This will help prevent soap scum from forming. Soap residue mixing with water dries on the surface of the bathtub and forms soap scum. Keep the door or shower curtain partly open to promote air circulation and keep the bathtub dry.
2.       Cleanse your bathtub regularly. At least once a week thoroughly clean your bathtub with your usual bathroom and tub cleaner, preferably one designed to cut down on mildew and soap scum. Cleaning weekly will prevent soap scum from building up.
3.       Install a water softener. It is believed that soap mixing with hard water will generate more soap scum. A water softening system can help alleviate the formation of soap scum.
4.       Add a small amount of liquid dish soap to your bath. This is safe for your skin and reduces the formation of soap scum. Make sure you use dish soap and not dishwasher liquid detergent.
5.       Switch from using bar soap to a liquid soap. Bar soap contains talc, an ingredient which forms soap scum. Liquid soap does not contain talc.

Tips & Warnings
®      Another item you can add to bath water to help prevent soap scum formation is Epsom salt.
®      Applying car wax to the shower door and walls every six months helps to reduce the formation of soap scum.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to clean your Apple iPod (all models)

1.       Unplug all cables and turn off iPod touch (press and hold the Sleep/Wake button, and then slide the onscreen slider).
2.       Use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth to wipe over the surfaces. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Don’t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean iPod touch.

How to clean a gas BBQ

Whilst cleaning your BBQ, check the flexible hose for cracks and damage and replace if necessary. Consult your owner's manual for any specialised maintenance requirements. Ensure the gas is disconnected and check the metal tubes under each burner. Spiders and other insects like to nest in these tubes. Use a paper clip or toothpick to clear these holes if necessary. Remember that many gas grills are made of aluminium products, so you'll want to avoid abrasive cleaners, including oven cleaner, metal brushes or scouring pads.
1.       Soak the grill and any removable parts in dishwashing liquid and hot water. Scrub away any build-up of grease with a rag, sponge or plastic scourer.
2.       Remove the flame bars and run them through the dishwasher. Or scrub them with a brass wire brush.
3.       Replace the lava rocks every year with new ones or boil them in soapy water to remove built-up grime.
4.       Tape over any gas openings and then clean the inside of the barbecue with hot, soapy water and a rag, sponge or plastic scrubber.
5.       Clean the outside of the barbecue with hot, soapy water and a rag or sponge.
6.       Hose out the barbecue. Allow it to dry thoroughly before you replace all of the parts.
7.       After everything is dry, rub the grill with vegetable oil and any wooden parts with linseed oil.
8.       If you have a quick disconnect, make sure it is securely fastened before you use the grill.

How to clean your Weber BBQ (or similar charcoal BBQ)

1.       Use a stiff wire brush to scrape away any loose debris from the grill and grates, and then remove the grill and grates.
2.       Scoop out any ash at the bottom of the barbecue.
3.       Clean using dishwashing liquid, water and a plastic scrubber (not abrasive cleaners and metal scrubbers). If your barbecue does not have a painted, non-stick or an aluminium surface, clean the inside and outside of the barbecue with baking soda (or another abrasive cleaner) and a little water using a metal scouring pad.
4.       Place the grill and grates in a large plastic bag and cover them thoroughly with oven cleaner. Allow them to sit for several hours or overnight. If the grill and grates are aluminium, soak them in dishwashing liquid and water instead.
5.       Remove the grill and grates from the plastic bag and place them atop several layers of newspaper.
6.       Use a metal scouring pad or stiff brush to scrub them clean. If the grill or grates are aluminium or non-stick, use a plastic scrubber, not a metal one.
7.       Hose off the grill and grates to remove any remnants of the oven cleaner. Use the hose to clean out the barbecue itself as well.
8.       Allow everything to dry thoroughly before replacing the grill and grates.
9.       Coat the grill with vegetable oil to prevent rusting and future build-up.

How to clean your Apple iPhone (all models)

Clean the iPhone immediately if it comes into contact with any contaminants that may cause stains, such as ink, dyes, makeup, dirt, food, oils, and lotions.
1.       Unplug all cables and turn off iPhone (press and hold the Sleep/Wake button, and then slide the onscreen slider).
2.       Use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Don’t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean iPhone.
3.       The front and back glass surfaces have an oleophobic coating. To remove fingerprints, simply wipe these surfaces with a soft, lint-free cloth. The ability of this coating to repel oil will diminish over time with normal usage, and rubbing the screen with an abrasive material will further diminish its effect and may scratch the glass.

How to clean an Apple Macbook / Macbook Pro / Macbook Air

1.       Ensure your MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air is shut down and the power adapter has been disconnected.
2.       Use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth to clean the computer’s exterior. Avoid getting moisture in any openings. Do not spray liquid directly on the computer. Do not use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives that might damage the finish.
3.       To clean the screen on your MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air, first shut down the computer and unplug the power adapter. Dampen a soft, lint free cleaning cloth with just water and wipe the screen. Do not spray liquid directly onto the screen.
4.       To clean the bottom case of the MacBook, use a 3M Gray Microfiber or soft dye-free, lint-free cloth as the bottom of the case uses a soft non-slip material.

How to clean an Apple iPad

1.       Ensure the iPad is turned off. Although only a small amount of water will be used, it is not wise to clean the iPad with it on.
2.       Disconnect any wires or cables and remove the case (if present).
3.       Take a microfibre cloth and apply a small amount of water so that the cloth is damp. Make sure that the cloth is not dripping as this clearly can be dangerous to your iPad. DO NOT use any other type of cleaner including window cleaner, aerosol cleaner, or any other chemical cleaner.
4.       Using the damp cloth, gently rub all of the exterior surfaces of the iPad. Do this until you have wiped away all of the smudges on the screen and casing. Avoid getting water into the openings. The iPad has an oleophobic coating on the screen, the ability of this coating to repel oil will diminish over time with normal usage, and rubbing the screen with an abrasive material will further diminish its effect and may scratch your screen.
5.       Use the dry portion of the cloth (or another one if necessary) to dry off the phone, failure to dry properly will leave streaks. Make sure the iPad is completely dry before turning it back on.

How to clean a pool table

1.       Start by cleaning the edges of the table (the non-felt portion of the top of the table). Brush off any dirt, either onto the felt or the floor. Use any standard cleaner and a cloth to wipe off the surrounding edges of the table.
2.       Use a hand brush to sweep any dirt from the felt and into the pockets of the pool table. Do so gently, so you don't damage the felt. Only worry about the dirt and chalk particles you can see, as you will be wiping off the table later.
3.       Run a hand-held vacuum cleaner along the felt of the pool table. This will collect any dust you missed when sweeping the table. Attach a hose to the end of your normal vacuum cleaner and clean out the pockets of the pool table.
4.       Use a pool-table cleaner to remove the dirt that is deep in the felt. Quick-Clean Pool Table Cleaner is one such product you can use. Place the product on the felt and let it sit for 60 seconds. Use a cloth to remove the cleaner from the felt. Be sure to wipe the entire cleaner from the felt. The cleaner will not leave the felt of your pool table damp.
5.       Wipe down the remainder of the outside of the table, including the legs and around the area where the balls gather after they travel through the ramps. Any cleaning product (including Pledge or Murphy's Oil) will be fine.

How to clean stereo speakers

1.       Remove the grille from the speaker. Be careful doing this as you do not want to damage the grille.
2.       Clean the grille of your speakers. The grille on your speakers can get dusty. If they are not catching dust they are not working properly. If the grille is a fabric one you can vacuum it to get rid of the dust. If the grille is soiled or stained gently rinse with warm water and lay them out to dry before putting them back on. If the grill is metal or plastic the best way to clean them is by using a cloth that is either dry or a little damp.
3.       Clean the driver in the speaker. Dust can accumulate in the drivers. When removing the dust use a soft bristle paintbrush. If your drivers have become very dusty because you do not have grilles on your speakers you may want to begin to use them.
4.       Look for other areas within the speakers that have accumulated dust. Use a dry cloth or paint brush to remove any other dust in the speakers.
5.       For sensitive small parts of the speaker use a micro-fibre cloth to remove the dust.

How to clean taps

There are commercial products but you can also you can use a vinegar and water base. Ensure there are no electrical devices plugged in or left on the counter top.

1.       Start by giving the taps a good spray, leave for a few minutes.
2.       Use a toothbrush to scrub around the edges of your tap and the base of your tap, and then down in where the handles join the base. This is where the calcium builds.
3.       Use a cup of water to rinse off the chemical or cleaning solution.
4.       Dry with paper towel, to polish it dry.

How to clean gold-coloured taps

Gold-coloured fixtures are a beautiful addition to a home. In the kitchen or bathroom, gold taps can make even the most drab of rooms look regal. Most gold taps are made of brass, although some older models may be made of gold or copper. Regardless of the material they're made with, you can achieve a beautiful shine on your gold fixtures with minimal upkeep and a few household cleaning items.
1.       Make a habit of spraying a little bit of ammonia on the rag a few times a week. After using the tap, wipe the fixture with the damp rag. This helps maintain shiny gold taps with minimal upkeep.
2.       If your fixtures are antique, they may require some more effort to keep them shiny and clean. They also may not react well to some commercial cleaners and are probably not made out of brass, but gold or copper. Heat linseed oil over the stove, dip a rag in the warm linseed oil, and rub vigorously on the taps. This gently cleans antique fixtures without being too abrasive.
3.       Use vinegar, salt and flour to polish neglected taps. If you have a brass tap that hasn't been cleaned in quite some time, mix vinegar, salt and flour into a thick paste. Rub vigorously with a rag or sponge and leave the mixture on the tap for 10 minutes. Add a small amount of hot water, scrub the tap, and then rinse with hot water.
4.       Use commercial brass cleaner on particularly tough jobs. Commercial brass cleaners contain harsh chemicals that take the tarnish off of your tap easily. Spray or rub onto the taps, let sit for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse carefully. Always wear gloves when using commercial brass cleaners.
5.       Continue cleaning your gold coloured fixtures regularly. Once you have gotten your taps clean, keep them that way by wiping your taps regularly after using them.

How to clean a digital camera

To be safe, always clean with the materials that are recommended for cameras and take special care as replacing camera parts can be very expensive.

1.       Thoroughly clean the exterior of the camera with a soft, dry lint-free cloth. These can be purchased at a camera store or you can use any chemical-free soft cloth you have available. Clean the exterior first to prevent dust and dirt from falling into the camera when you remove the lens.
2.       Clean the mirror and the focusing screen gently with a can of compressed air (available from Dick Smith Electronics or Officeworks) or a Giotto’s Rocket Air blower (available at Ted’s camera stores). You can also lock up the mirror and clean the sensor with compressed air if it is required. Never touch the sensor or use anything on the sensor besides air. The sensor is only exposed when the mirror flips up during exposure. While you need to clean the focusing screen and mirror regularly, it is unusual to have to clean the sensor. Since replacing the sensor is very expensive you should take it to a camera service specialist if you are not sure. Usually the camera and mirror will only have dust to clean off. Hold the camera body face down when cleaning so the dust will fall off. If the mirror is smudged you can use a small amount of lens cleaner and lens tissue to clean it.
3.       Clean the front element of the lens with air to remove the dust. If the lens is smudged use lens tissue and a small amount of lens cleaner to clean off the smudges. Make sure you remove the filters and clean both sides of the filter as well as the front of the camera lens.
4.       It is very important to clean the rear element of the lens. The light is more focused when it passes through the rear element and dust on the rear elements will attract heavier particles than the dust on the front element. Clean the rear element in the same manner as the front element with air and then lens tissue and cleaner.
5.       Clean the camera back and top glass areas. Always clean the eyepiece in the same way you clean any lens. The operating screen and viewing screen are not as critical as the other glass parts of a camera, but clean them the same way as the lens. It is very important to be consistent in cleaning your camera. Never use any cleaning supplies that are not manufactured for camera cleaning. Windex and other alcohol-based cleaners will damage camera elements. Facial tissue and paper towels are manufactured with chemicals that could damage camera elements.

How to clean a Nintendo DS cartridge

These game cartridges are small and very sensitive. As they are electronic, be very careful when cleaning and don’t spray the cartridge with chemicals.

1.       Use something soft and small (like a cotton bud) to gently wipe the fibres on the electronic parts of it.
2.       If you've really spilled something on there and it's stained, use just a tiny drop of alcohol on your cotton bud.
3.       Use a microfibre cloth to wipe away any smudges or materials that may be on the outside of your Nintendo DS cartridge.

How to clean the inside of your PC safely

First check your owner's manual to see if the manufacturer has provided any specific cleaning instructions. If they haven’t, follow the instructions below.
1.       Gather the following supplies: a can of compressed air (available from Dick Smith Electronics or Officeworks), a specialised electronics cleaner (such as Endust for electronics) or any household plastic or metal cleaning fluid, a soft brush (such as a paintbrush) and an anti-static rag, plus a dust mask if you're allergic to dust.
2.       Shut down the computer.
3.       Leave the computer plugged into the surge protector (if you have one).
4.       Disconnect all peripherals from the computer.
5.       Remove the computer cover (see your owner's manual for instructions).
6.       Ground yourself to the computer with any professional grounding equipment or by touching a metal part of the chassis.
7.       Spray compressed air on the fan blades, power supply chassis, drive chassis and circuit boards.
8.       Gently brush off dust that the compressed air didn't dislodge.
9.       Brush any remaining dust out from the bottom of the chassis.
10.    Spray your specialised electronics cleaner or another cleaning fluid onto an anti-static rag.
11.    Wipe the inside and outside of the cover thoroughly.
12.    Replace the cover and reconnect the peripherals.

How to clean an LCD computer monitor

There are a few products that can actually harm the LCD monitor so it is important to ensure that products containing acetone, ethanol alcohol, ethanol acid, ammonia, and methyl chloride are avoided. Different manufacturers have different ideas of what you can use or can’t use on their monitor. Some say a damp cloth with water and just a little bit of soap would be okay. Others say it won’t be okay. To be safe, you may want to consider using wipes specially formulated for use with LCD screens.

1.       Turn your monitor off
2.       Lightly spray the monitor with water or detergent if the manufacturer approves.
3.       Wipe the monitor down with a soft cloth or wipes formulated for use with LCD monitors.

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