Monday, November 7, 2011

How to remove pet vomit from upholstery

1. Scoop up any solid matter from the upholstery. Use an old spoon to carefully scoop the vomit from upholstery, taking care not to further spread the vomit. Spray on a small amount of water if the solid particles need to be loosened to remove.
2. Sprinkle a generous coating of baking soda onto the vomit stain. Allow the area to dry completely for a few hours.
3. Vacuum the baking soda from the upholstery. Use the soft brush hose attachment to vacuum up the baking soda. The baking soda will have absorbed a large amount of the vomit stain.
4. Sprinkle another coating of baking soda onto the affected area. This will help to absorb any remaining vomit from the upholstery. Let it dry for a few hours then vacuum up the baking soda.
5. Pour some club soda onto the vomit. It is important to thoroughly cover the stain without completely soaking the upholstery.
6. Blot the stained upholstery with a thick stack of paper towels. Continue blotting, switching to clean portions of the paper towels frequently, until no more vomit is lifting from the upholstery.
7. Rinse the area with a rag and plain water. Dry with a clean rag to soak up excess moisture.

Upholstery Dry Cleaning Melbourne

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to remove ice cream stains from fabric upholstery

1. Immediately scrape to remove any excess ice cream.
2. Sponge the area with a dry-cleaning solvent.
3. Apply dry spotter and cover with an absorbent pad moisted with dry spotter. Let it stand as long as any stain is being removed. Change the pad as it picks up the stain and keep the stain and pad moist with dry spotter.
4. Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents. If any stain remains, apply a few drops of liquid dishwashing or laundry detergent and a few drops of ammonia to the area.
5. Tamp (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) or scrape to loosen the stain. Keep the stain moist with detergent and ammonia solution. Blot occasionally with an absorbent pad.
6. Flush well with water to remove all ammonia and allow to dry.

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